Get Stronger, Fitter, Faster & Sharper in 12 Weeks

This is a comprehensive 12 week program designed to help Aspiring College Rugby Players arrive physically, mentally, and skillfully prepared to make an immediate impact.

For PARENTS, this program will give your athlete the confidence, physicality, and skills to not just fit in, but to thrive, avoiding the frustration (and confidence killer) of being unprepared. Let’s get them ready to make an immediate impact.


  • Physical Preparation: Gain muscle, strength, and power to handle contact and avoid injuries

  • Improved Fitness: Develop endurance and conditioning to sustain high-level play

  • Increased Speed: Build explosive speed to keep up with the fast pace of college rugby

  • Improve Handles: Sharpen your catch & ball handling skills!

“Confidence comes from doing the work, not from hoping for a result.”

this program is for athletes who refuse to leave their readiness to chance

Most high school rugby players dream of thriving in college, but the reality is, many show up unprepared—struggling with the pace, the physical demands, and the expectations of coaches.

Our College Rugby Readiness Program bridges that gap.

In 12 weeks, we help motivated athletes build the strength, fitness & handling skills they need to stand out from day one.

Don’t leave it to chance.

Join the #ALLIN Rugby Readiness Program today and show up stronger, faster, and ready to PERFORM.

If you’re already at College, we also have an option for you. If interested, contact us and register your interest!


Program Structure:

  • Duration: 12 weeks

  • Delivery: Online via our S&C Training App, Video Resources, Audio & Text Comms (X1 day every 2 weeks)

  • Content: See below!

get stronger with the ball & in the contact areas of the game

Via our training app, we will send you 12 weeks of rugby gym workouts. Expect 3-4 structured lifts per/week focusing on building strength & explosive power for rugby.

get fitter & build endurance so you can last longer on the field

Expect 2-3 running sessions per/week (indoor or outdoor depending on weather). You’ll have access to more than 18 different running options so that you’ll never get bored


Get your hands on the rugby ball daily! This is how you get sharper. Daily skills you can do while watching tv at home or messing around outside. It all counts. Reps on reps!

Win your weeks

Stop winging it - and start training like a rugby player with big goals. Following the structure in this program will set you up for success.

fuel your performance & those gains

If you want results, knowing what to eat & how much to eat is key. Training & Nutrition are the 2 big rocks of this program and developing good nutrition habits prior to College is a game changer.

in competition, offseason, preseason or stuck inside over the winter months?

No worries. This program can be adapted to all no matter what phase you’re in!

**this program is 100% online using our training apps


Meet, Troy, Former USA National Team Athlete & Director of Rugby at Clemson University